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Merlin Character

Wise application of knowledge requires good character.
Good character results from good attitudes.
Our students will do their best as we help them to choose these attitudes:

"Through all the years I’ve been in KKFS, I’ve come to appreciate many things that, to others, may seem like flaws. I’ve spent over half my life in this school, and the intimacy and tight-knit community is something so unique and precious to me. Although it may sound cliche, KKFS is truly like a family. With our occasional outings and celebrations, we enjoy the family-like competitiveness among house teams during events like Sports Day, and the diversity of our student body in celebrations like International Day. Being in this school is a life changing experience. I take pride in the fact that each and every one of our students come from unique and distinct backgrounds, and I’ve learned things that I would’ve never learned else where about them. The relationships we form between teachers and students are cherishable and although we students may complain from time to time, I believe deep down inside we are all filled with immense gratitude. To be a Merlin is to be a part of this community, this puzzle-like community, each unique piece coming together to form one unified group.

To be a Merlin is to be a part of this family."

Anna Kim, Grade 7



being my best self, doing what’s right even when no one is watching


thinking before I speak and act, not being a puppet to my feelings and emotions


not giving up, sticking with what I choose to do or need to do


being curious about myself and others, about the world and how and why things work the way they do


not letting fear freeze me from doing what i truly want or doing what I should


imagining myself in someone else’s place so I can say and do the best things to be of help


being hopeful that things will go well, not despairing


giving thanks everyday for the good, because it's nice and for the bad because it trains me, testing my attitude

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13 Jayang-Ro, 35 Gil,



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